12 Productivity Frameworks And Tools For Effective Management

Over 50,000 US users search for “productivity” in Google every single month. When you add the long list of queries around productivity tips, productivity apps, productivity planners, and other forms of definitions around the term, we’re ranking over 300,000 total searches across the board. We are all eager to fight procrastination and maximize our time. Best-case scenario, deliver more in less time, reduce stress and the tedious backlog at the end of the day, and get better at everything we do: professionally and personally. In his book, The Diary of a CEO: The 33 Laws of Business and Life, Steven… Continue Reading

16 Most Important Soft Skills For Success

From the time we wake up to the time we sleep, we’re surrounded by people. Whether you’re an extrovert or an introvert, whether you like it or not, you have to interact with people. That’s when soft skills come into the picture.  Soft skills are personal attributes that enable a person to interact effectively with others. I’ve worked under and together with managers over the past 20 years. While “hard skills” are crucial for execution, management is impossible—and unpredictable—without the right soft skills in place. We have promoted less skilled people to management roles if that’s what it takes to… Continue Reading

15 Personal Branding Hacks To Boost Your Online Presence

Personal branding is the holy grail to skyrocketing your business and unlocking new opportunities for revenue generation. Developing your own brand through blogging, industry events, networking, social media activities, and email list building will boost your influence status (and bring some organic leads your way). As a strong supporter of HubSpot's inbound marketing strategy, I'm all about doing sales without actively selling which is the purpose of branding. People who invest in their own personal brand are known to have “a lot at stake” and therefore would likely be committed to whatever they undertake as a challenge. This is incredibly… Continue Reading

Persistence Is The Way Forward

During WordCamp San Francisco a few years ago, I had the chance to do pair programming with Rodrigo Primo on #15459. He's an incredible and passionate WordPress developer, and he approached me before the Contributor Day to do some hacking on performance for hierarchical post types after I sent my patch with some ideas related to that change. The Unit Test Challenge When we reached the unit tests, none of us knew how to build that specific bit. The function was printing some code without returning an array of data to assert. And we couldn't find a Core example of unit tests doing that validation. I suggested… Continue Reading

The Complete Motivation Guide: How to Be Intrinsically and Extrinsically Motivated

According to a Gallup survey called "State of the Global Workplace", 85% of all employees are disengaged and feel unmotivated at work. At a macro level, the reason this stat alone is frightening is the life cycle of an individual and the impact on the next generation. Following the same path, a disengaged employee is more likely to: Contribute less at work (and barely move the needle unless really needed) Report higher risks of mental illness or other mental and psychological issues Translate work problems into personal ones, affecting friends and family Generally participate in more conversations and preaching the… Continue Reading

The Practical Guide To Marketing Yourself As A Public Speaker

Public speaking is one of the best globally recognized ways to establish yourself as an authority. But how to start your "side job" as a notable speaker at the beginning? In a contributed piece for Inc. Magazine, I shared the custom framework I apply when launching products in-house and consulting customers. Product marketing is just as applicable when you want to brand yourself. So it's time to put the theory on building an effective marketing strategy in practice with a practical case study. The "Zealot Checklist" framework could be applied in almost any context. Here's how the theory works in… Continue Reading

6 Ways Bredogenerator Improves Your Communication Skills

The Pew Research Center reported that 90% of US adults believe that communication skills are the most important for children to get ahead in the world today. Meanwhile, 57.9% of employers believe that communication is the most sought- after soft skill among job hunters. Even without these statistics, communication skill is evidently vital in business and life. Yet, many people and even some business leaders struggle with communication. Why People Struggle With Communication? Proficient communicators think fast, analyze details quickly, and are able to think of many things at the same time. They are able to combine creativity with their… Continue Reading