How to Stop Procrastinating: 15 Effective Leadership Strategies
The prevalence of procrastination is horrid—affecting almost every individual worldwide, making it crucial to find effective ways to stop procrastinating. A sample survey led by Micro Biz Mag discloses that more than 84% of the population is prone to procrastinating on a regular basis – with 20.5% of the respondents postponing activities on a daily…
12 Productivity Frameworks And Tools For Effective Management
Over 50,000 US users search for “productivity” in Google every single month, highlighting the growing interest in finding an effective productivity framework. When you add the long list of queries around productivity tips, productivity apps, productivity planners, and other forms of definitions around the term, we’re ranking over 300,000 total searches across the board. We…
10 Tips to Efficiently Manage Emails
Email is still the go-to communication protocol that I prefer over everything else. Meetings and calls are necessary now and then, but communicating with vendors, partners, peers, PR, and media editors is much easier asynchronously, with the added benefit of being able to manage emails effectively for notifications and work reports within the inbox. We…
Prodcast.fm – A New Productivity Podcast
My friend Slobodan has just started his new podcast – ProdcastFM. The podcast would be focused on productivity and efficiency, which happens to be an important topic for a lot of people in the WordPress community – freelancers, consultants, clients, employers. To stay “on-topic”, after all, I’ll also share few of my productivity tips: We…
Persistence Is The Way Forward
During WordCamp San Francisco a few years ago, I had the chance to do pair programming with Rodrigo Primo on #15459. He’s an incredible and passionate WordPress developer, and he approached me before the Contributor Day to do some hacking on performance for hierarchical post types after I sent my patch with some ideas related to that change. The…
On Working Remotely, Cofficing And Creativity
I’ve been an advocate on working remotely for over 15 years now. My first two HTML sites that I built for clients as a student were in 1999. In 2001 I was fixing computers and reinstalling OS and software apps, part of that was done from home or with Remote Desktop. In 2002 I started…
How To Prepare For A Software Engineering Job
Getting ready for your first software engineering job can be daunting. Developers are in demand, but gaining the minimum skill set for becoming competitive usually takes 2-3 years. The first job or two as an engineer could be quite challenging to land. The two most important things you need to understand first are: With that…
Why Your Business Needed A Business Process Management (BPM) Software Yesterday
If your company hasn’t grown to a fully-fledged corporation yet, you’re probably terrified (if not disgusted) from all the enterprise lingo – workflows, procedures, contingency plans, risk management (to name a few). But scaling an organization is impossible without the implementation of business process management (BPM) practices in-house. NASA tanked $327.6M through its Mars Climate…