10 Tips to Efficiently Manage Emails

Email is still the go-to communication protocol that I prefer over everything else. Meetings and calls are necessary every now and then, but communicating with vendors, partners, peers, PR, and media editors is a lot easier asynchronously, plus the added benefit of managing notifications or work reports within the email inbox. We have signed at least three seven-figure contracts over email - and we’ve never met two of our partners live. Considering the impact of COVID-19, distributed communication is ever so important, and this aligns really well with one of the oldest communication mediums for digital experts. Emails vs. Meetings… Continue Reading

12 Productivity Frameworks And Tools For Effective Management

Over 50,000 US users search for “productivity” in Google every single month. When you add the long list of queries around productivity tips, productivity apps, productivity planners, and other forms of definitions around the term, we’re ranking over 300,000 total searches across the board. We are all eager to fight procrastination and maximize our time. Best-case scenario, deliver more in less time, reduce stress and the tedious backlog at the end of the day, and get better at everything we do: professionally and personally. In his book, The Diary of a CEO: The 33 Laws of Business and Life, Steven… Continue Reading

How to Stop Procrastinating: 15 Effective Leadership Strategies

The prevalence of procrastination is horrid—affecting almost single individual worldwide. A sample survey led by Micro Biz Mag discloses that more than 84% of the population is prone to procrastinating on a regular basis - with 20.5% of the respondents postponing activities on a daily basis and 22.1% doing it "often". When it comes to leadership, efficiency and consistency are integral to success. https://www.instagram.com/p/CSHJ5BFlGqa/?utm_medium=copy_link Fighting procrastination is one of the key goals while undergoing different training courses in relation to motivation, building discipline, productivity, or time management. Let's dive deeper into the problem and uncover the possible steps to getting… Continue Reading

Persistence Is The Way Forward

During WordCamp San Francisco a few years ago, I had the chance to do pair programming with Rodrigo Primo on #15459. He's an incredible and passionate WordPress developer, and he approached me before the Contributor Day to do some hacking on performance for hierarchical post types after I sent my patch with some ideas related to that change. The Unit Test Challenge When we reached the unit tests, none of us knew how to build that specific bit. The function was printing some code without returning an array of data to assert. And we couldn't find a Core example of unit tests doing that validation. I suggested… Continue Reading

22 Ways to Have More Energy (And Boost Your Efficiency)

Resilience is among the mandatory traits for career growth. Regardless of whether you're striving to be an exemplary entrepreneur or grow the career ladder across management and director tiers, sustaining loads of work, weekend deliveries, flying from a tradeshow to an event with high velocity is a prerequisite to building high-performing teams. But maintaining these levels of pressure and both physical and mental load is not an easy feat. Just as the best athletes invest a ton in their physical conditioning, you have to ensure that your body, mind, and spirit work as efficiently as possible, and push them through… Continue Reading

Why Your Business Needed A Business Process Management (BPM) Software Yesterday

If your company hasn’t grown to a fully-fledged corporation yet, you’re probably terrified (if not disgusted) from all the enterprise lingo - workflows, procedures, contingency plans, risk management (to name a few). But scaling an organization is impossible without the implementation of business process management (BPM) practices in-house.  NASA tanked $327.6M through its Mars Climate Orbiter mission crashing the satellite in 1999 due to a software localization error. Some international horror stories such as Chernobyl could have been prevented with the right contingency plans in place. Let alone the COVID-19 spread we’re all victims of nowadays.  Case in point, business… Continue Reading

5 Reasons Why Multitasking Actually Works (And Supplements Focus Mode)

Multitasking is a habit of many people who want to get many things done at a time.  More specifically, according to the American Psychology Association, multitasking is done by performing at least two tasks simultaneously, switching from one task to another, and working on two or more tasks speedily. But, it is easy to get distracted, tap into your favorite social media, watch YouTube videos, get on the phone with a colleague or a friend, and forget about the core tasks you were supposed to work on. These distractions can negatively affect your focus, meaning that the quality of your… Continue Reading

How To Prepare For A Software Engineering Job

Getting ready for your first software engineering job can be daunting. Developers are in demand, but gaining the minimum skill set for becoming competitive usually takes 2-3 years. The first job or two as an engineer could be quite challenging to land. The two most important things you need to understand first are: Your job cannot teach you everything. Learning through pet projects and continuous reading and practice is extremely important - especially over the first 5–8 years.Programming is a craft that relies on hundreds of parallel activities - understanding computer architectures, algorithms, data structures, networks, different programming languages and paradigms, effective… Continue Reading

Prodcast.fm – A New Productivity Podcast

My friend Slobodan has just started his new podcast - ProdcastFM. The podcast would be focused on productivity and efficiency, which happens to be an important topic for a lot of people in the WordPress community - freelancers, consultants, clients, employers. I was invited for the pilot episode which turned to be a hiring-related one, but for the sake of the setup and experiment, here we are: To stay "on-topic", after all, I'll also share few of my productivity tips: I start every Monday with a task labeled "Wake up" in my PM system. It's always a great motivation booster completing… Continue Reading

On Working Remotely, Cofficing And Creativity

I've been an advocate on working remotely for over 15 years now. My first two HTML sites that I built for clients as a student were in 1999. In 2001 I was fixing computers and reinstalling OS and software apps, part of that was done from home or with Remote Desktop. In 2002 I started writing a weekly security bulletin for IDG, and 2003 was my half-time job from home for a media outlet working on two of their websites. Since 2008 I've been working remotely full-time, and I've been through all phases of remote work: freelancer, consultant, part of… Continue Reading