Ten Leadership Skills to Develop in 2024
The past few years have been a great learning opportunity for us, offering valuable insights into adapting leadership skills. The COVID-19 situation has transformed many of our working habits, shifting the entire concept of onsite work to remote across much of the world. This has also led to more opportunities and new ways of living;…
The Complete Motivation Guide: How to Be Intrinsically and Extrinsically Motivated
According to a Gallup survey called “State of the Global Workplace,” 85% of all employees are disengaged and feel unmotivated at work, highlighting the need for a motivational guide to help improve workplace engagement. At a macro level, the reason this stat alone is frightening is the life cycle of an individual and the impact…
The Business Executives’ Guide To Inbound Marketing
The business executives of a company should be the frontliners in marketing the company’s products and services, especially when leveraging inbound marketing strategies. There’s hardly any way around it. If you are a part of a company’s senior leadership or management, it’s crucial to learn how to navigate marketing alongside other business operations. Digital marketing…
How to Handle a Resignation by a Key Player on Your Team
Handling resignations can be a tough process especially when it’s the top employees who are leaving. Searching for the best replacement for that soon-to-be-vacant role is the most challenging part of the process. So, as much as possible, you want to prevent them from leaving and ensure that employee turnover remains acceptably low for your…
How to Recruit Talent That Has the ‘Agency Bug’
The agency world is a different beast when compared to traditional brands hiring in-house or a massive corporation with the so-called agency talent. While startups show some overlap in working hours or job dynamics, the added variety of business clients agencies juggle plus the hard cap on monthly hours introduces unique challenges for the average…