Critical Thinking Strategies for Business Leaders

Critical thinking is a powerful skill that's applicable in both daily life and running a business. It's the cornerstone of making sound decisions and navigating complex situations. Unlike simply reacting to circumstances, critical thinking empowers you to: Analyze information objectively: You can sift through details, identify key points, and separate fact from opinion. This allows you to form judgments based on evidence, not emotions or biases. Evaluate evidence critically: Not all information is created equal. Critical thinking helps you assess the source, credibility, and potential limitations of evidence. You can then weigh different perspectives and build a strong foundation for… Continue Reading

16 Most Important Soft Skills For Success

From the time we wake up to the time we sleep, we’re surrounded by people. Whether you’re an extrovert or an introvert, whether you like it or not, you have to interact with people. That’s when soft skills come into the picture.  Soft skills are personal attributes that enable a person to interact effectively with others. I’ve worked under and together with managers over the past 20 years. While “hard skills” are crucial for execution, management is impossible—and unpredictable—without the right soft skills in place. We have promoted less skilled people to management roles if that’s what it takes to… Continue Reading

22 Self-Improvement Areas for Leadership Development

An HRPA study from 2016 reports that 63% of millennials complain that employers aren't fully developing their leadership skills, with 72% of those surveyed last year insisting on feedback, coaching and leadership development to remain in an organization. I have previously covered the 11 key traits that define great managers, compiled after 17 years in management. These management-specific values fit the job description, but lack the depth and value in areas of leadership that every individual can partake in and develop from a young age. In this piece, I will uncover some of the most important traits that we look… Continue Reading

How to Establish and Solidify the Technical Leadership in Your Company

I receive a good chunk of emails and messages from people in my network asking for general technical advice (infrastructure, architecture, picking the right platform or vendor, etc.) And many of them openly disclose they have spoken with 5–10 people and brainstormed over the different answers they get. Asking for a hundred different opinions may get confusing, though. I wouldn’t advise you to ask an open-ended question on Quora, Stack Overflow, social media, email blasts, personal networks, friends, and recommendations. Prepare that into multiple phases – half a dozen generic, high-end answers, sift through them, narrow down your options, iterate… Continue Reading

Developing Discipline: 8 Integral Traits and Tips for Practical Application

While other self-development areas such as motivation, productivity, focus have been thoroughly explored and analyzed, discipline studies are less accessible. And anyone looking for tips for building self-discipline at work, breaking bad habits, or developing discipline for studying would need additional guidance on sifting through online resources not backed by data. The Dunedin Study, which started in the 1980s, examined over 1,000 participants for 40 years, revealing the correlations between discipline and success. Self-disciplined kids and young adults consistently reported: Higher academic achievement Prosocial behavioral and mental well-being Stronger relationships and social capital Greater financial stability and employment success Reduced… Continue Reading

Ten Leadership Skills to Develop in 2024

The past few years been a great learning opportunity for us. The COVID-19 situation has changed a lot of our working habits and the entire concept of onsite work has transitioned to remote across most of the universe.  This has also led to more opportunities and new ways of living; however, it's not necessarily permanent either—meaning that people have bounced between back and forth, between lockdowns and going to work, between remote and onsite.  This has changed the perception and expectations in any form of long-term planning for the vast majority of people, especially those with kids, and having to… Continue Reading