12 Productivity Frameworks And Tools For Effective Management

Over 50,000 US users search for “productivity” in Google every single month. When you add the long list of queries around productivity tips, productivity apps, productivity planners, and other forms of definitions around the term, we’re ranking over 300,000 total searches across the board. We are all eager to fight procrastination and maximize our time. Best-case scenario, deliver more in less time, reduce stress and the tedious backlog at the end of the day, and get better at everything we do: professionally and personally. In his book, The Diary of a CEO: The 33 Laws of Business and Life, Steven… Continue Reading

How to Establish and Solidify the Technical Leadership in Your Company

I receive a good chunk of emails and messages from people in my network asking for general technical advice (infrastructure, architecture, picking the right platform or vendor, etc.) And many of them openly disclose they have spoken with 5–10 people and brainstormed over the different answers they get. Asking for a hundred different opinions may get confusing, though. I wouldn’t advise you to ask an open-ended question on Quora, Stack Overflow, social media, email blasts, personal networks, friends, and recommendations. Prepare that into multiple phases – half a dozen generic, high-end answers, sift through them, narrow down your options, iterate… Continue Reading