12 Productivity Frameworks And Tools For Effective Management

Over 50,000 US users search for “productivity” in Google every single month. When you add the long list of queries around productivity tips, productivity apps, productivity planners, and other forms of definitions around the term, we’re ranking over 300,000 total searches across the board. We are all eager to fight procrastination and maximize our time. Best-case scenario, deliver more in less time, reduce stress and the tedious backlog at the end of the day, and get better at everything we do: professionally and personally. In his book, The Diary of a CEO: The 33 Laws of Business and Life, Steven… Continue Reading

What Is the Best Language or Framework For Building a SaaS Application?

I’ve seen successful SaaS applications online built on every single web programming language that I’ve ever heard of. Some of the more extreme ones specializing in certain fields do include Haskell, Erlang, Go, Dark, and others for certain applications behind the scenes. A subscription-based business can leverage a SaaS framework or proceed with a custom build, depending on the business needs and the long-term goals for scaling the solution forward. Here are the 4 main considerations when selecting a language for your SaaS. 1. What Are the Business and Technical Requirements? All programming languages and frameworks are tailored to solving… Continue Reading

DX Plugin Base – Ongoing Updates

I built DX Plugin Base several years ago as a general plugin framework that we could use internally, and something that could serve as a code repository for most of our projects. I'm really happy that some folks got the plugin and built their own reusing most of our code, such as the Metwit Weather Widget. Since we hired a few more folks helping with both client work and internal projects, over the last couple of weeks we have been brainstorming on what could be added to our existing code base in order to improve our plugins - new features, enhancements, and… Continue Reading

swpMVC – WordPress Rails-alike framework

Just noticed on Twitter this one: [blackbirdpie url="https://twitter.com/dimensionmedia/statuses/239848270657118208"] I'm very fond of more abstract development practices and a good MVC modeling with ActiveRecord has always been a pleasure to see. Since WP itself has too much procedural programming with global variables, this one as a concept looks very neat. I don't believe it would have any influence at all for the core or for smaller plugins, but at least could be a great start for a larger plugin (some eCommerce or real estate framework). Continue Reading