Tag: Business Management

  • 8 Things Entrepreneurs Need to Know About Running a Business and Landing Customers

    We live in the most entrepreneurial era since the inception of humankind, and there’s so much entrepreneurs need to know about running a business. Starting a new business endeavor has become more prominent thanks to mass media, startup accelerators, venture funds, and digital opportunities to launch quickly. But as a business advisor having consulted over…

  • Employee Motivation Strategies For Managers And Executives

    What determines “progress” in terms of employment often ties back to factors like employee motivation, which drives performance, engagement, and overall job satisfaction. Progress is defined by focusing on a higher goal without having to constantly worry about day-to-day needs (food, water, shelter, clothing). Those are the basic survival needs. Until you are sure that…

  • Ten Leadership Skills to Develop in 2024

    The past few years have been a great learning opportunity for us, offering valuable insights into adapting leadership skills. The COVID-19 situation has transformed many of our working habits, shifting the entire concept of onsite work to remote across much of the world. This has also led to more opportunities and new ways of living;…

  • 11 Traits Of A Great Manager And Top Tips To Develop Them

    There are good managers, and then there are those who exhibit the key traits of a great manager. According to The Predictive Index, nearly 30% of employees believe their managers fail at team-building skills, and a portion of them suck at handling feedback, delegation, and time management. Managers who are successful in their respective fields…

  • 5 Business Process Challenges For Project Managers

    Management and ownership are different, but are these truly incompatible within a business process? Successful business owners and entrepreneurs have simply struggled for a continuous period of time, juggling with anything and everything from legal and accounting through sales and marketing, IT, operations, recruitment, branding, management, negotiations, to name A FEW. This isn’t necessarily a…

  • 5 Key Components to Tick Off Your Checklist When Starting A Business

    Starting a business is no uncharted territory – almost every inch of it has already been conquered. But not everyone was able to write a successful conquest; most of those who tried failed. For there is a universal truth behind the stories of those who were fortunate: success doesn’t come easy. There are a ton…

  • 22 Self-Improvement Areas for Leadership Development

    An HRPA study from 2016 reports that 63% of millennials complain that employers aren’t fully developing their leadership skills, with 72% of those surveyed last year insisting on feedback, coaching, and leadership development to remain in an organization—highlighting the need for a comprehensive management guide to address these concerns. I have previously covered the 11…

  • How to Manage Difficult People in Your Team

    One of the biggest problems new managers face is juggling team management with other responsibilities, especially when they have to manage difficult people. According to an analysis by the Center for Creative Leadership, about 68% of new managers struggle with this issue. In team management, managers mainly deal with managing difficult people and challenges involving…