Interview With ThemeForest Author Slobodan Kustrimovic – WPCanyon
Hello everyone, today we will discuss the hot topics on the Internet and specifically the WordPress platform and some premium hints from the ThemeForest market presented by one of the authors there – Slobodan Kustrimovic (a.k.a. wpcanyon). He is an expert in the WP world and has published few themes on ThemeForest and currently working…
Recommended WP hostings – Podcast
Recently I found a research on WP hosting providers by WPShout – http://wpshout.com/wordpress-hosting-review/ . It is a pretty good review and I have used servers from most of the hosting providers listed there so I decided that this could be my next podcast. In this review I’m going through the list from the site summarizing what is…
WordCamp Sofia – Oct 20, Bulgaria
Ever been to Bulgaria? If not, now is the perfect time to visit the beautiful country and attend WordCamp Sofia. More about the 4th annually local meetup of the international event hosted in 116 different cities so far is available on the WordCamp Sofia website. A small dev day is also being organized on Sunday!…
Prodcast.fm – A New Productivity Podcast
My friend Slobodan has just started his new podcast – ProdcastFM. The podcast would be focused on productivity and efficiency, which happens to be an important topic for a lot of people in the WordPress community – freelancers, consultants, clients, employers. To stay “on-topic”, after all, I’ll also share few of my productivity tips: We…
Sass in 5 – slides from OpenFest 2012
I had a lightning talk about Sass over the weekend at the largest open source conference on the Balkans – OpenFest. We’ve been using it in the past few projects and the improvement in the CSS code design is remarkable. Sass in 5 from Mario Peshev Sass is pretty handy when comes to a CSS file…
Meet you at WordCamp Oslo
Next weekend I’m attending WordCamp Oslo 2013, visiting Norway for the second time. I’ll be presenting a JavaScript related session since JS is practically everywhere in web now and the majority of technical people (frontend or backend devs, administrators etc) tend to expect that the language is pretty much straight forward, or already known due…
After WordCamp Oslo 2013
It’s been a great WordCamp this weekend in Oslo, Norway – WordCamp Oslo 2013. My expectations at first were not extremely promising, mostly due to the fact that Oslo is the most expensive city in the world and the weather is unbearable for most warm country inhabitants, but the event was actually incredible in terms of…
Shortcut to the WordPress Community for Beginners
Last week Siobhan wrote a very thorough and comprehensive article regarding the WordPress Community. People who are just stepping on the WordPress ground have a hard time figuring out where to start, how to get better and furthermore how to give back to a project. Luckily, the continuous work on the community-related groups is leading to…