Tag: Working Culture

  • Micromanagement – The Good, Bad, and Ugly

    Micromanagement isn’t just about hovering over an employee’s shoulder or obsessing over details; it’s a reflection of a company’s growth stage, the maturity of its staff, and the very essence of its operational culture. Micromanagement has nothing to do with caring about an employee. However, it’s important to review the different phases of a business…

  • Employee Motivation Strategies For Managers And Executives

    What determines “progress” in terms of employment often ties back to factors like employee motivation, which drives performance, engagement, and overall job satisfaction. Progress is defined by focusing on a higher goal without having to constantly worry about day-to-day needs (food, water, shelter, clothing). Those are the basic survival needs. Until you are sure that…

  • Managing Interruptions And Boosting Work Performance During Crisis

    Digital businesses were forced to move fully remotely during the social isolation of COVID-19. While they may have been accustomed to some level of remote work, managing interruptions became a critical challenge as they fully embraced a distributed workforce, highlighting the need for new strategies to maintain productivity. This shift demanded not only a robust…

  • Workplace Communication Techniques and Strategies

    No matter what role you have in an organization – a manager, a vendor, a consultant, or an advisor – each comes with its own challenges, particularly in managing workplace communication issues. Effective communication is the lifeblood of any successful organization, and navigating these challenges is essential for fostering a productive and harmonious work environment.…

  • 8 Key Tips for Creating a Positive Work Culture

    Creating a positive work culture is a critical element in the success of any company.  In fact, 94% of business executives and 88% of employees surveyed believe that a distinct corporate culture is critical to the success of a business.  Your culture at work can have a huge impact on the performance of your employees…

  • 5 Reasons Why Multitasking Actually Works (And Supplements Focus Mode)

    Multitasking is a habit of many people who want to get many things done at a time.  More specifically, according to the American Psychology Association, multitasking is done by performing at least two tasks simultaneously, switching from one task to another, and working on two or more tasks speedily. But, it is easy to get…