10 Time Management Strategies for Busy Entrepreneurs
Entrepreneurship is both a state of mind that entails many personal and professional traits and a way of life that requires a lot of balance and effective time management strategies. Being able to launch, execute, grow, and scale a business is an intellectual exercise involving a lot of research, networking, planning, business strategy, marketing, sales,…
8 Specific Tips to Work Around Business Meetings
Time is money. Time lost means money lost. Time wasted means money wasted. One of the leading causes behind businesses losing and wasting a lot of time and money is the amount of time they spend in business meetings. Middle managers typically spend 35% of their time in meetings while those who belong to the…
Developing Discipline: 8 Integral Traits and Tips for Practical Application
While other self-development areas such as motivation, productivity, focus have been thoroughly explored and analyzed, discipline studies are less accessible. And anyone looking for tips for building self-discipline at work, breaking bad habits, or developing discipline for studying would need additional guidance on sifting through online resources not backed by data. The Dunedin Study, which…
5 Reasons Why Multitasking Actually Works (And Supplements Focus Mode)
Multitasking is a habit of many people who want to get many things done at a time. More specifically, according to the American Psychology Association, multitasking is done by performing at least two tasks simultaneously, switching from one task to another, and working on two or more tasks speedily. But, it is easy to get…
11 Better Ways to Manage Teams Without Tedious Meetings
As a firm evangelist of the values of asynchronous communications, I’m strongly opinionated when it comes to meetings. Meetings are not all evil. I’ve covered some workarounds for meetings (when necessary) and several reasons to set up a meeting. But beyond that, meeting creep is so prevalent—especially in the context of remote/hybrid environments—that productivity and…
Reply: Handling WordPress Project Management And Sales (Video)
One of the members in my Mentorship Group group has asked me a few strategic questions regarding the way we do business at DevriX. I’m trying to cover different areas related to running a business, handling marketing activities, becoming a better developer and solving business problems. This time I’ve decided to record a video since…