How Do You Effectively Plan Your Company’s Internal Training Programs

What is the purpose of internal training programs?  Plenty of internal training programs for employees are designed to bring revenue to the business.  Investing in employee learning can significantly boost a company's success. ATD study shows that companies with comprehensive internal training programs see a staggering 218% higher income per employee compared to those without. Additionally, their profit margins enjoy a 24% advantage. These figures highlight the undeniable impact of employee development. But formal training isn't the only path. One of my biggest fears is that our team would become complacent. Chilling in their comfort zone. The sole reason I… Continue Reading

How to Assemble a High-Performing Team

Having spent my last 11 years growing an agency, one of the factors we squeeze and optimize most frequently is performance. Agencies are a weird beast that gets scrutinized all the time. Why? Enterprises are large and monolith enough to employ an endless set of processes going through multiple layers across a number of departments across the organization, taking forever to execute Product businesses don't face deadlines in the same way an agency does. Roadmaps are more easy-going, distractions are fewer, people work on a single product at a time (continuously) Support/maintenance firms get interrupted frequently, but established processes in… Continue Reading

10 Hiring Paradigms to Consider in 2024

This year continues to be surprising even after all that we went through in the past years. As a result, we had to shift the way we work, the way we think, the way we process information, and the way we pivot in business. Many of us had to go through a new process of hiring and managing people, dealing with stress, organizing events due to the semi-remote nature of work, finding different ways to communicate with one another, and so forth.  As a result, hiring in 2024 for most companies out there is a lot different compared to what… Continue Reading

7 Useful Tactics To Establish A Solid Team

Every business owner or manager dreams of having the perfect team. But since there isn’t such a thing, settle for the next best — a team you’ve created and carefully trained. So, how do you establish a solid team? Hiring the best people does not necessarily and automatically equate to having the best team. Like cogs in a well-oiled machine, you don’t need to find the perfect employees, just the ones that can fit in perfectly into your team. More importantly, after hiring the ones you wanted, you need to have the ability to keep them. Look for individuals who… Continue Reading

How to Recruit Talent That Has the ‘Agency Bug’

The agency world is a different beast when compared to traditional brands hiring in-house or a massive corporation with the so-called agency talent. While startups show some overlap in working hours or job dynamics, the added variety of business clients agencies juggle plus the hard cap on monthly hours introduces unique challenges for the average agency employee. Regardless of whether you manage a creative, marketing, advertising, or technical agency, competing with multinational corporations or funded startups is not an easy feat. Successful organizations often scout for the right hires hungry for various challenges across a large portfolio of clients and… Continue Reading

6 KPIs Your Hire Needs to Hit to Pass the Probation Period

Regardless of whether you enforce a probationary period or not, you need to ensure that your new hire has completed the onboarding process successfully and fits the organizational culture. Even the best recruiters out there can't gauge employment efficiency during the interview cycle. And several studies, including a recent survey by Checkster Research, show that 78% of applicants misrepresent themselves. While we continuously refine and improve our recruitment process, certain metrics can't be deducted over the course of an interview or two. Speed of execution, working in a team environment, and attention to detail are some of the common denominators… Continue Reading

How to Manage Difficult People in Your Team

One of the biggest problems new managers face is juggling team management with other responsibilities. According to an analysis by the Center for Creative Leadership, about 68% of new managers struggle with this problem. In team management, managers mainly deal with managing difficult people and challenges involving underperformers, skills mismatch, slackers, and workplace conflicts. Although workplace conflicts resulting in confrontations are quite common in most companies, not all managers are adequately trained in handling such problems. This is particularly true for the 60% of new managers who have claimed that they never received any form of training in transitioning into… Continue Reading

22 Self-Improvement Areas for Leadership Development

An HRPA study from 2016 reports that 63% of millennials complain that employers aren't fully developing their leadership skills, with 72% of those surveyed last year insisting on feedback, coaching and leadership development to remain in an organization. I have previously covered the 11 key traits that define great managers, compiled after 17 years in management. These management-specific values fit the job description, but lack the depth and value in areas of leadership that every individual can partake in and develop from a young age. In this piece, I will uncover some of the most important traits that we look… Continue Reading

8 Specific Tips to Work Around Business Meetings

Time is money. Time lost means money lost. Time wasted means money wasted.  One of the leading causes behind businesses losing and wasting a lot of time and money is the amount of time they spend in business meetings. Middle managers typically spend 35% of their time in meetings while those who belong to the upper management spend 50% of their time. Employees, in general, spend up to 6 hours every week just to prepare for status update meetings. According to Bain and Company, 15% of the collective time of an organization is spent in business meetings and this has… Continue Reading

Employer Branding Essentials for Successful Scaling

Employer brand is the company's brand facing inwards, mostly aiming for employee retention and recruitment. Furthermore, your employer brand refers to the reputation you have built as an employer with the help of your employer value propositions.  Employer branding is the process of managing your reputation as an employer among your employees, potential hires, and even the rest of the job seekers in the market. 70% of employees say that a company is more attractive if it has clear plans for diversity and inclusion and social responsibility. - The HR Outlook This process concerns all the strategies required to position… Continue Reading