Submit iframe Form To External Site
Many advertising services and external APIs provide iframes to be embedded on external sites, but also require some data to be transferred from one site to the other. iframe tags are being restricted for many reasons, mostly security. There are iframe busters (or framekillers) that export the iframe behavior in the parent window, takeover the…
1000+ Downloads of DX Plugin Base
Almost 2 years ago I built the DX Plugin Base plugin as a skeleton for my own plugins – to copy-paste snippets that I regularly use like: adding custom post types, metaboxes, implementing the Settings API and so forth. Few days ago it hit the 1000 downloads mark and I’m pretty happy that other people find…
My MVC Experiment for WordPress Plugins
I spent a few days last week working on a new plugin, trying to approach it from different angles and test a few development flows in a way that would possibly change the way I work. One of my experiments was related to building an MVC plugin for WordPress – and I failed to do…
Plugins Scalability
Recently, I’ve been thinking about the state of plugins. In my previous post I’ve mentioned the free and premium plugins, and additionally I could split them in other categories, such as: small and large, self-contained and extensible, user-oriented and developer-related, optimized and non-optimized. I could go further with secure/insecure and everything, but that’s another story. I’d also…
5 WordPress Contribution Tips Learned from Scribu
If you have used WordPress for at least a few months, you have probably used a plugin by scribu or at least heard a discussion over one of the tools or plugins he is involved with. Recently Cristi (scribu) announced his “retirement” from the WordPress industry and he’s currently involved in just a few projects,…
Contributing Together
Recently I’ve been spending a lot of time poking others’ projects. Since I have more time than I had while working full-time for an employer, I’m polishing more of my snippets and I’ve been busy with small enhancements that couldn’t find a place in my long list before. Additionally, I find myself sending more pull…
WordPress IRC Chats Schedule
Since I tend to forget when most WordPress dev chats are or pick wrong time zones instead, I set up a small weekly schedule with weekly IRC chats: http://devwp.eu/chats/ I got the schedules from the Make blogs and listed them with custom post type entries in a calendar. The handy thing is that one can control…