Shortcut to the WordPress Community for Beginners

Shortcut to the WordPress Community for Beginners

Last week Siobhan wrote a very thorough and comprehensive article regarding the WordPress Community.

People who are just stepping on the WordPress ground have a hard time figuring out where to start, how to get better and furthermore how to give back to a project. Luckily, the continuous work on the community-related groups is leading to handbooks, helping theme and plugin developers, as well as contributors; the Codex provides tutorials and function references, there are meetup groups for WordPress folks.

Different divisions are accepting volunteers for important and yet not that obvious tasks such as UX work, mobile, proper and standardized multilingual support (polyglots), theme review team and few more unrelated to the direct core code contribution. See make blogs for more ideas.

The article includes different remarks and comments from community members (myself included) regarding the different steps to contribution so that everyone is able to figure out where could he or she be of help. If you’re looking for another way to help and give back, that’s your new guide.

My name is Mario Peshev, a global SME Business Advisor running digital businesses for 20 the past years.

Born in Bulgaria, Europe, I gained diverse management experience through my training work across Europe, North America, and the Arab world. With 10,000+ hours in consulting and training for organizations like SAP, VMware, CERN, I’ve dedicated a huge amount of my time to helping hundreds of SMEs growing in different stages of the business lifecycle.

My martech agency DevriX grew past 50 people and ranks as a top 10 WordPress global agency and Growth Blueprint, my advisory firm, has served 400+ SME founders and executives with monthly ongoing strategy sessions.

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