My friend Curtis has been innovating in the sales and marketing space for WordPress consulting for years, and he’s literally just started selling his latest book “Finding and Marketing To your Niche“.
His content is top-notch and I’ve personally been following his blog closely for quite some time now.
That said, we’ve been talking with Curtis on business and marketing strategies, and I joined his podcast “The Smart Business Show” in order to share more nuggets from our own philosophy at DevriX and what drives us to focus exclusively on ongoing WordPress retainers. For us, implementation wasn’t really the problem; it was understanding that WordPress retainers are the best option for both customers, and service providers, and simply discarding any fixed-fee opportunity as a viable option.
The show is less than 20min long and you can watch the full version here. Don’t hesitate to ask follow-up questions here in the comments area and I can reiterate on certain areas that we haven’t covered in the podcast.