
WordSesh overview

Last week we had the first large WordPress 'meetup' online called WordSesh. It was an incredible event that was yet another proof for how awesome the WordPress community is. I had the chance to speak at WordSesh and I presented the Themes Directory and the process of reviewing themes. The video is embedded below + slides here....

Local WordPress activities – April

I can barely find some time to sleep, but hopefully April would be enlightening for the local group of WordPress peeps. In the next month there are several things planned: 1 (if not two) meetups of the Bulgarian group Few WordPress sessions as a part of the CMS course in Telerik Academy WordSesh (available for locals here too) Zero Marke...

WordPress Meetup Sofia

After several attempts I finally laid the foundation for the Bulgarian WordPress Meetup group. For the past 2 years I made several attempts to form a community around WordPress here after WordCamp Sofia and my sessions in Telerik Academy, the New Bulgarian University and the custom WordPress courses for startup enthusiasts. The second meetu...

Meet you at WordCamp Oslo

Next weekend I'm attending WordCamp Oslo 2013, visiting Norway for the second time. I'll be presenting a JavaScript related session since JS is practically everywhere in web now and the majority of technical people (frontend or backend devs, administrators etc) tend to expect that the language is pretty much straight forward, or already kno...

The 3-Hour Theme Experiment

As a former ThemeForest author and a WPTRT member, I'm intrigued by all the fuzz about parent-child theme relations, theme frameworks, premium themes using the same infrastructure, startup themes and so forth. I remember my positive impression towards Genesis and their hooks model (even though pretty hardcore for customization in practice) ...

ColorScheme Designer

I've been doing software and web development for many years now, but my design skills are pathetic (and it's an euphemism for them). However, I've tried an amazing tool a few times for color schemes for my WordPress themes that is absolutely amazing - called ColorScheme Designer. A number of color options are left for the user to pick fr...