14 Ways To Dramatically Speed Up Your Website From A Technical Perspective

.. But what if the website can’t handle that much traffic? That would reflect in 4xx and 5xx error codes, unresolved pages or complete downtime. As we know, 404s are not a big deal SEO-wise, but customer dissatisfaction can affect your bounce rates and impact your overall strategy in the long run. Performance for UX, SEO, Cost Savings and More DIY site builders and hobbyist service providers are everywhere. This leads to low-cost WordPress solutions bundled with numerous plugins which ends up being a mess. While I appreciate WordPress as a solution that’s free and open source, with a bearable learning… Continue Reading

Plugins Scalability

Recently, I've been thinking about the state of plugins. In my previous post I've mentioned the free and premium plugins, and additionally I could split them in other categories, such as: small and large, self-contained and extensible, user-oriented and developer-related, optimized and non-optimized. I could go further with secure/insecure and everything, but that's another story. I'd also like to cover the aspect of user-oriented plugins vs. developer helpers, which is a separate topic. Scalability According to Wikipedia: In electronics (including hardware, communication and software), scalability is the ability of a system, network, or process to handle a growing amount of work in… Continue Reading