Category: Plugins

  • Theme Mentor – inspired by Theme-Check

    Today I finally released the first version of Theme Mentor – a theme review plugin inspired by the almighty Theme-Check. Over the last year I have spent more than 200 hours fixing themes for the repository gone through the Theme-Check tests. There are numerous issues not covered by Theme-Check, easy to miss during your…

  • DX Plugin Base v1.3 with AJAX

    Earlier today I pushed an update to my skeleton plugin builder – DX Plugin Base. The plugin is meant to be used as a base for creating new plugins, you can either copy-paste it and just delete and replace what needs to be changed (that’s what the author of the Metwit Weather Widget did) or…

  • WordPress IRC Chats Schedule

    Since I tend to forget when most WordPress dev chats are or pick wrong time zones instead, I set up a small weekly schedule with weekly IRC chats: I got the schedules from the Make blogs and listed them with custom post type entries in a calendar. The handy thing is that one can control…

  • Contributing Together

    Recently I’ve been spending a lot of time poking others’ projects. Since I have more time than I had while working full-time for an employer, I’m polishing more of my snippets and I’ve been busy with small enhancements that couldn’t find a place in my long list before. Additionally, I find myself sending more pull…

  • 5 WordPress Contribution Tips Learned from Scribu

    If you have used WordPress for at least a few months, you have probably used a plugin by scribu or at least heard a discussion over one of the tools or plugins he is involved with. Recently Cristi (scribu) announced his “retirement” from the WordPress industry and he’s currently involved in just a few projects,…

  • 1000+ Downloads of DX Plugin Base

    Almost 2 years ago I built the DX Plugin Base plugin as a skeleton for my own plugins – to copy-paste snippets that I regularly use like: adding custom post types, metaboxes, implementing the Settings API and so forth. Few days ago it hit the 1000 downloads mark and I’m pretty happy that other people find…

  • DX Share Selection – Fork

    I have that habit of selecting text snippets while I read (like adding breakpoints every few lines), but still I find it quite helpful when I can share a given snippet in an article by selecting it and sharing it through a popup. I found the WP Selected Text Sharer in the repo and it looks…

  • Plugins Scalability

    Recently, I’ve been thinking about the state of plugins. In my previous post I’ve mentioned the free and premium plugins, and additionally I could split them in other categories, such as: small and large, self-contained and extensible, user-oriented and developer-related, optimized and non-optimized. I could go further with secure/insecure and everything, but that’s another story. I’d also…