Submit iframe Form To External Site

Submit iframe Form To External Site

Many advertising services and external APIs provide iframes to be embedded on external sites, but also require some data to be transferred from one site to the other.

iframe tags are being restricted for many reasons, mostly security. There are iframe busters (or framekillers) that export the iframe behavior in the parent window, takeover the browser, so to speak.

If you need something ‘in-between’, i.e. a controlled iframe on site 1 which, when submitted, loads a new browser page with the request data valid, then add a _parent target to the form, i.e.:


<form method=”POST”
// form data here


My name is Mario Peshev, a global SME Business Advisor running digital businesses for 20 the past years.

Born in Bulgaria, Europe, I gained diverse management experience through my training work across Europe, North America, and the Arab world. With 10,000+ hours in consulting and training for organizations like SAP, VMware, CERN, I’ve dedicated a huge amount of my time to helping hundreds of SMEs growing in different stages of the business lifecycle.

My martech agency DevriX grew past 50 people and ranks as a top 10 WordPress global agency and Growth Blueprint, my advisory firm, has served 400+ SME founders and executives with monthly ongoing strategy sessions.

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