Tag: Leadership

  • Ten Leadership Skills to Develop in 2024

    The past few years been a great learning opportunity for us. The COVID-19 situation has changed a lot of our working habits and the entire concept of onsite work has transitioned to remote across most of the universe.  This has also led to more opportunities and new ways of living; however, it’s not necessarily permanent…

  • Choose Your Leaders – Time and Knowledge

    The world is built and based on several simple rules and everything else relies on them. One of the main concepts is the leadership – each group has a leader (or few) responsible for managing everything important for a community. The Big Picture On a larger scale this could be the president, the God, the…

  • How to Make Different Business Leadership Styles Work (With Case Studies)

    Several thought leaders have referred to 2020 as the year of great reset. But if you want to be really strict about it, most of the biggest business shifts started way back at the onset of the 21st century.  Traditional business leaders who are banking on traditional business leadership styles in this new century needlessly…

  • Leaders and Responsibility

    The Power of Alignment After my WordSesh talk about Code Architecture yesterday, Chris Lema gave a business talk on “The Power of Alignment”. It’s a great talk about the expectations people and business organizations have, and why relationships don’t work out all the time due to miscommunication and false expectations, or misalignment as Chris defines it…