Tag: django

  • Django Framework – First Impressions

    I’ve been researching the Django framework for the last 2-3 weeks in my spare time. It’s development is going on and on and I see many interesting innovative concepts realised behind. I tried it 3 years ago for a course project when we had to integrate the PIL (Python Image Library) into a web project with the existing…

  • Django Translations: Multilingual, i18n, App Names

    Django is a popular web framework written in Python that provides dynamic generated content and allows rapid development for different systems in the Internet. It provides a great interface to other products (via web services), gives ability to design a scalable application and most important, lies on a powerful language as Python (in other words,…

  • Forgotten Password In Django

    Turns out that there are plenty of useful features in the Django admin that I never thought about. The other day I found the last task of a project of mine was adding the “Forgotten password” feature. It’s basically a standard task included in every users-related project, but the whole process requires few interactions: clicking…