What Makes Running a Digital Publication a Lucrative Business Venture

Running a digital publication can be highly lucrative due to several key advantages. The convergence of low overhead costs, high scalability, targeted advertising, and a global reach makes this a particularly appealing business model. Digital publications can quickly grow in content and readership. The internet provides a nearly unlimited audience for any niche, and expansion into other media forms like podcasts and videos is straightforward. Diverse income streams are available, including subscriptions, paywalls, sponsored content, and advertising. Affiliate marketing also provides a commission for sales made through site links, making the business more resilient. I’m going to divide up the… Continue Reading

11 Business Strategies for Freelance Writers and Content Firms to Land Clients

A report from Inc.com states that around $3.1 billion is being spent by blue chip businesses for remedial writing training, $2.9 billion of which is spent on current employees and not new hires. This indicates that quality writing and impeccable written content production remains to be highly in demand these days.  By recognizing the importance of this type of content, more and more businesses seek the services of a good freelance writer. However, in spite of the demand, the great number of freelance writers and firms offering content services on the internet seemed to find it hard to land clients.… Continue Reading

4 Common Mistakes You Must Avoid In Content Repurposing

Repurposing content is a strategic approach in content marketing and digital communications where existing content is reformatted and adapted for use across different platforms or for different audiences. This strategy can benefit individuals, organizations, and companies alike. One of the reasons I cancelled most of my training contracts back in the day was the limited impact. Training 20-30 people at a time is great. You can bond with them and work with every single one. But I switched to blogging, conferences, and content repurposing because I felt locked.  My time is limited. If I have 6 hours for training or… Continue Reading

Dealing With Clients: Vendors vs. Consultants

Always being compliant with everything that a prospect or a client says is not the best practice to build a sustainable business.  This is one of the most important lessons I've learned over a decade of running a business and separately running a consultancy—advising small and medium enterprises. Regardless of the fact that clients often want to hear what they're asking for, they're not necessarily in the right position to give the best piece of advice. I had a sales meeting a couple of weeks ago with a former client we used to work with back in the day. He… Continue Reading

The Business Executives’ Guide To Inbound Marketing

The business executives of a company should be the frontliners in marketing the company’s products and services. There’s hardly any way around it.  If you are a part of a company's senior leadership or management, it’s crucial to learn how to navigate marketing alongside other business operations. Digital marketing involves several skills, including content production, email marketing, affiliate and partnerships, as well as social media, analytics, setting and measuring KPIs, and tracking and launching campaigns. Once you have the background in place, you can hire someone or work with a team that can follow the successful steps and expand further.… Continue Reading

8 Crucial Business Skills to Weather the Recession Storm

The current decade has been turbulent at best, challenging business paradigms, industrial practices, and biological presumptions across the planet. It begs the question: What is the successful route to developing resilient business skills for the years to come? From a global pandemic ranking near the Spanish Flu of 1918-1920 to worldwide lockdowns suffocating the travel and hospitality industries, through an overnight transition to remote work, a massive bump of cryptocurrencies, a housing market growing like crazy from Hong Kong to San Francisco to a global crash in 2022, businesses definitely had to endure a lot. Back to The Global Recession… Continue Reading

8 Strategies How to Promote Your Blog Content

I am a great proponent of Inbound marketing - and investing in content development is brilliant in the long run. But unless you promote your blog, there's virtually no way for visitors to discover your content. SEO has evolved drastically over the past two decades. I was crushing it for all sorts of keywords in 2007, content production was all about "keyword density", bombing any business was contingent on 10 marketers adding malicious anchor text pointing to a website. Social media is changing rapidly, too. Facebook has built a whole empire around brands building groups and fan pages for promotion… Continue Reading

Website Optimization: Ranking Higher On Google With Less Content

While I'm a proponent of Inbound Marketing (and produce loads of long-form content), this isn't necessarily the "holy grail" of website optimization and ranking a website on page 1. Why? Even though Google's algorithm for ranking content strongly emphasizes quality, which often correlates with the depth and comprehensiveness of an article. Long-form content, which usually exceeds 1,000 or even 2,000 words, has the space to explore topics in greater detail that allows for more nuanced arguments, better-substantiated claims, and a more comprehensive range of perspectives or solutions to a problem. Additionally, long-form content often includes other elements that Google values,… Continue Reading

How Mission and Vision Statements Work

When starting a business or setting a new direction for an existing one, two guiding stars often lead the way: mission and vision statements. The mission statement is like the company's backbone, outlining its core purpose and the reason it exists. It answers the straightforward question: Why are we here? On the other hand, the vision statement is the big dream, the picture of what success looks like in the future. It's the company's north star, giving everyone a clear direction and something to strive for. Have you developed a mission statement for your company? What about a vision statement?… Continue Reading

The Power of Networking Done Right

The reason I find networking critically important is simple. Referrals make the best business contacts. Freelancers get a lot of business through word-of-mouth. Internships are often contingent on a common point of contact. Hiring for a senior management position is almost completely dependent on networking. Moreover: Plenty of brilliant minds are introverts. You don't always get to meet them at events. Social media and blogs, as well as smaller meetups or alumni gatherings, could be instrumental in meeting the right peers. Nowadays, jobs often deal with sensitive data. Trust is a major factor. Keeping the intellectual property in place isn't… Continue Reading