Employer Branding Essentials for Successful Scaling

Employer brand is the company's brand facing inwards, mostly aiming for employee retention and recruitment. Furthermore, your employer brand refers to the reputation you have built as an employer with the help of your employer value propositions.  Employer branding is the process of managing your reputation as an employer among your employees, potential hires, and even the rest of the job seekers in the market. 70% of employees say that a company is more attractive if it has clear plans for diversity and inclusion and social responsibility. - The HR Outlook This process concerns all the strategies required to position… Continue Reading

How to Generate Content Topic Ideas (23 Tips for Headline Inspiration)

One of the most frequent questions I receive when it comes to marketing is: "How do you come up with so many ideas over the past few years across so many channels?" The truth is, I get help—thanks to my team at Growth Shuttle following the processes we’ve established years ago especially on the social front as we maintain an omni-channel approach toward covering a number of segments. In practice, I’ve been blogging for the past 13 years, own nearly a dozen sites in different verticals, co-authored a technical book back in 2008, issued my own Entrepreneurship book, and manage… Continue Reading

How to Grow Your Business With Thought Leadership Content

The richest people in the world run companies: Jeff Bezos, Bill Gates, Warren Buffett, Mark Zuckerberg—you don’t need a hint to associate their names with their corresponding companies. These are just some of the most successful business leaders of the biggest companies in the world. Microsoft and Amazon both employ over 100,000 people. The impact, the manpower, and the production capabilities of the equivalent of a small town cannot be compared to the opportunities a single person can bring to the table. Do you know what else these CEOs have in common? They are also among the most popular thought… Continue Reading

Focus, Niche Down, and Skyrocket Your Business

Selling to businesses locally or internationally usually entails selling services or products. Products are a bit easier since you can provide a trial version of your product and broadcast it everywhere. Products are also well-defined, you can easily outline the scope of your product and draft several case studies tackling specific problems. Services are different. If you offer a wide range of services for different audiences, you need to niche down.  What Does It Mean to Niche Down? To put it simply, niching down means to pick a specialty and a specific target market for your business. For a new… Continue Reading

5 Key Components to Tick Off Your Checklist When Starting A Business

Starting a business is no uncharted territory – almost every inch of it has already been conquered. But not everyone was able to write a successful conquest; most of those who tried failed. For there is a universal truth behind the stories of those who were fortunate: success doesn’t come easy. There are a ton of things businesspeople considered before they laid the first brick of their empire. But there are some things most people tend to overlook that can actually become cornerstones for success. What are the key components you must consider when starting a business? 1. Overcoming Fears… Continue Reading

8 Things Entrepreneurs Need to Know About Running a Business and Landing Customers

We live in the most entrepreneurial era since the inception of humankind. Starting a new business endeavor gets more prominent thanks to mass media, startup accelerators, venture funds, and digital opportunities to launch quickly. But as a business advisor having consulted over 400 businesses, I constantly deal with the disconnect between reality and expectations. The dynamics of the global economy require strong leadership and pivoting quickly - between the hiring waves of strong investment environments and hardcore recessions bringing millions of businesses on their knees. The premise of "being your own boss" is a tempting solution to giving entrepreneurship a… Continue Reading

How to Establish and Solidify the Technical Leadership in Your Company

I receive a good chunk of emails and messages from people in my network asking for general technical advice (infrastructure, architecture, picking the right platform or vendor, etc.) And many of them openly disclose they have spoken with 5–10 people and brainstormed over the different answers they get. Asking for a hundred different opinions may get confusing, though. I wouldn’t advise you to ask an open-ended question on Quora, Stack Overflow, social media, email blasts, personal networks, friends, and recommendations. Prepare that into multiple phases – half a dozen generic, high-end answers, sift through them, narrow down your options, iterate… Continue Reading

How to Stop Procrastinating: 15 Effective Leadership Strategies

The prevalence of procrastination is horrid—affecting almost single individual worldwide. A sample survey led by Micro Biz Mag discloses that more than 84% of the population is prone to procrastinating on a regular basis - with 20.5% of the respondents postponing activities on a daily basis and 22.1% doing it "often". When it comes to leadership, efficiency and consistency are integral to success. https://www.instagram.com/p/CSHJ5BFlGqa/?utm_medium=copy_link Fighting procrastination is one of the key goals while undergoing different training courses in relation to motivation, building discipline, productivity, or time management. Let's dive deeper into the problem and uncover the possible steps to getting… Continue Reading

Ten Leadership Skills to Develop in 2024

The past few years been a great learning opportunity for us. The COVID-19 situation has changed a lot of our working habits and the entire concept of onsite work has transitioned to remote across most of the universe.  This has also led to more opportunities and new ways of living; however, it's not necessarily permanent either—meaning that people have bounced between back and forth, between lockdowns and going to work, between remote and onsite.  This has changed the perception and expectations in any form of long-term planning for the vast majority of people, especially those with kids, and having to… Continue Reading

32 Techniques for Stress Management

Excessive levels of stress—and the inability to deal with it—have been leading to major personal and professional outbursts, impacting the global economy. Stress.org's research indicates that 77% of people experience physical signs due to stress.One in three individuals feels they live with intense stress, and 73% believe it impacts their mental health. Forbes Magazine reports that the U.S. incurs nearly $190 billion yearly in stress-related healthcare costs. 55% of Americans report feeling stressed daily, exceeding the global average of 35%. Let's dive together in this overview of stress management techniques suitable for busy professionals, students, and individuals in all walks… Continue Reading