Category: WordPress

  • 1000+ Downloads of DX Plugin Base

    Almost 2 years ago I built the DX Plugin Base plugin as a skeleton for my own plugins – to copy-paste snippets that I regularly use like: adding custom post types, metaboxes, implementing the Settings API and so forth. Few days ago it hit the 1000 downloads mark and I’m pretty happy that other people find…

  • On WordPress, Windows, Knowledge and Testing

    I had an interesting conversation with a friend earlier today. It started with the persistent state of WordPress in some point of time, backing up and restoring a state after a failure, testing plugins here and there and keeping the site as useful, flexible and stable as possible at the same time. The gist of…

  • Choosing the Right WordPress Theme

    My talk at WordCamp Sofia two weeks ago was related to choosing the right WordPress theme. Slides are available here. The gist of the talk was making users cautious about their WordPress sites and managing their stack properly, especially in the WordPress context. I find it quite common for users to browse for random, free…

  • DX Share Selection – Fork

    I have that habit of selecting text snippets while I read (like adding breakpoints every few lines), but still I find it quite helpful when I can share a given snippet in an article by selecting it and sharing it through a popup. I found the WP Selected Text Sharer in the repo and it looks…

  • Choose Your Leaders – Time and Knowledge

    The world is built and based on several simple rules and everything else relies on them. One of the main concepts is the leadership – each group has a leader (or few) responsible for managing everything important for a community. The Big Picture On a larger scale this could be the president, the God, the…

  • Plugins Scalability

    Recently, I’ve been thinking about the state of plugins. In my previous post I’ve mentioned the free and premium plugins, and additionally I could split them in other categories, such as: small and large, self-contained and extensible, user-oriented and developer-related, optimized and non-optimized. I could go further with secure/insecure and everything, but that’s another story. I’d also…

  • My MVC Experiment for WordPress Plugins

    I spent a few days last week working on a new plugin, trying to approach it from different angles and test a few development flows in a way that would possibly change the way I work. One of my experiments was related to building an MVC plugin for WordPress – and I failed to do…

  • The “Work For Myself” Myth

    There is a common myth that working as a freelancer, consultant or a company owner means “working for myself”. In my opinion that’s often a wrong perspective for people who are tired of working the wrong jobs for the wrong managers, trying to find an escape from this by running their own business and finding the…