What Does “Open” Mean?
I’ve been an Open Source advocate for about 10 years now, and this has been something that determined me over the years. If you start applying Open Source to your life, suddenly everything changes. Completely. Contributing to WordPress Marko and I led a workshop on “Contributing to WordPress” for my CMS students last year at “Telerik…
Back from WordCamp San Francisco
I’m back from my WordCamp San Francisco 2014 tour and I’m genuinely excited after meeting close to a thousand WordPress community members over the past few days. The magic of WordCamp San Francisco is impossible to describe unless you’ve been there at least once, and if you haven’t – I’d definitely suggest you to plan for it. However,…
Into 2015
2015 is here again, and everyone is recovering from the New Year’s Eve parties around the globe. I would like to wish everyone a happy healthy and successful new year. My TODO list so far is endless, so prioritizing and getting the most out of it would be one of my main targets (priorities!). Also,…
WordPress Contributing Effort and Focus
End of 2014 was a turning point in my life, and I have been thinking a lot about my contributing efforts for a while now. About a year ago I was teaching at a university, a school, co-organizing WordCamp Europe 2014 and a meetup, spoke at various conferences and meetings for free as well, contributed patches to plugins (plus…
The Abusement of Open Source
The Free Software Foundation has a clear and concise definition of free software – which is tightly connected to what we refer to “open source” with some verbal modifications: “Free software” means software that respects users’ freedom and community. Roughly, it means that the users have the freedom to run, copy, distribute, study, change and improve…
The Power of Big-Picture Thinking: A Key to Sustainable Business Growth
Imagine a business that only focuses on short-term gains, ignoring the bigger picture. What would be the long-term consequences for its vision, strategy, and overall success? Would it be able to sustain growth and create lasting value in a rapidly evolving marketplace? A stark reminder of the need to shift from short-term goals to long-term…
WordCamp Belgrade 2016
Being based in Sofia, attending WordCamp Belgrade last year was pretty much a no-brainer. Luckily, the incredible organizing team in Serbia is organizing another event happening this weekend, or in other words: enter WordCamp Belgrade 2016! It’s been close to a year since my sabbatical after WordCamp Europe 2015 when I had to take a long break, rearrange…
Ask Me Anything on ManageWP – Sep 14, Open Floor
Since I’ve been moderately quiet online over the past year, it’s about time to get back with some fresh ideas, insight and tricks from my long business journey lately. I delivered a presentation on remote teams at WordCamp Europe in Vienna, but haven’t posted a recap yet due to some presentation format issues with both Slideshare and…