What Is a Self-Disciplined Mindset?

A self-disciplined mindset does not require external motivation to keep going. Great leaders instill self-discipline through a combination of: Strong intrinsic motivation Strong vision keeping them going one step at a time A great community of partners and employees worth serving A purpose in life worth dedicating to And ...

What Made You Start Your Business?

Coming from enterprise-grade development, I was eager to bring WordPress to the enterprise world. Back when we started, WordPress was powering only 12% of the Internet. At the time of authoring this post, 42.4% of all websites online run on top of WordPress. This growth indicates WordPress's increasing dominance and the trust web devel...

Why Is Product Strategy Central to Business Performance?

Business performance can be assessed only if you can “measure” results. You can’t measure anything without defining the strategy first. The common way this happens is through the following workflow: Vision -> Strategy -> Tactics -> KPIs 1. Vision First off, devise the vision for the product development on top of...

How Can You Find Business Advisors?

Back when I first launched my website, I realized it’s almost impossible to find business advisors online. (Which was personally great news since I rank as a business advisor in the top 3 results in US Google search consistently). Most people offering relevant services for businesses are: Employed by a single company and not offe...

Is It Possible to Hide Incompetence and Contribute Nothing At Work?

Hiding incompetence is nearly impossible in startups and smaller agencies but is quite apparent in large enterprise corporations. Slacking and successfully hiding incompetence is possible when: The processes are slow - lack of performance reviews, 6-month long sprints, tons of time spent on R&D, validation, testingTeams are large -...

How to Showcase Your Clients on Your Website?

If you title your section “Clients” and the brands are no longer working with you, this would be somewhat misleading. If I were to write an article about you or base my buying decision on the list of customers, this would not be a valid strategy and would lead to a misalignment between the presented information and what the actual case i...

Is It Possible to Have a Real Culture Within a Distributed Team?

Yes, it is definitely possible to have a real culture within a distributed team, although it is usually more complicated. Developing your culture is all about brand awareness, the mission of the company, and a process that’s adapted to distributed teams. In other words, if you work for your dream startup (or an organization whose pro...

What Are the Inbound Marketing Tips to Remember In Generating Leads?

As compared to “outbound” which generally focuses on reaching prospects or target customers through advertisement or in-person strategies, “inbound” targets customers who can find a business organically.  Often, these inbound leads are website visitors turning into leads. These web visitors are generally divided into five mai...