Preparation of Training Materials (Checklist)

As a Business Advisor, I used to spend a good chunk of my time teaching various courses (and speaking at conferences in Europe and the US). I no longer have the time to speak regularly, which is why I've shifted to my blog, LinkedIn, Quora, and other virtual venues serving a broader group of people who can benefit from my content. My Training Preparation Checklist Since I used to give regular classes on some topics, I had to polish my materials on a regular basis by doing research, testing, and exploration (to keep them up to date). Whenever a new… Continue Reading

7 Ways to Teach Your Staff ROI: The Pivot to Billable Activities

Building a successful organization requires a comprehensive business strategy across each of your departments. It is also closely related to your business model, the industry you belong to, the status of your finances, the available opportunities, and—of course—your team. While your senior management team may be aligned with the company goals and vision, you want to build a culture of self-managed rockstars. Otherwise, you'll fall into the trap of micromanagement. My guiding light is ROI.  Often, your resources are only limited. You do not have all the time to spend and disperse across hundreds of initiatives. There is always a… Continue Reading