Website Optimization: Ranking Higher On Google With Less Content

While I'm a proponent of Inbound Marketing (and produce loads of long-form content), this isn't necessarily the "holy grail" of website optimization and ranking a website on page 1. Why? Even though Google's algorithm for ranking content strongly emphasizes quality, which often correlates with the depth and comprehensiveness of an article. Long-form content, which usually exceeds 1,000 or even 2,000 words, has the space to explore topics in greater detail that allows for more nuanced arguments, better-substantiated claims, and a more comprehensive range of perspectives or solutions to a problem. Additionally, long-form content often includes other elements that Google values,… Continue Reading

Code Quality And Free Plugins

Update Apr 29, 2015: My friend Emil from announced their Plugin Review service which I highly recommend for all plugin authors, business owners and clients - high quality means higher security, better performance and compatibility for your project. We have these regular discussions on Open Source, the future of WordPress and such. I've been discussing the global community aspect and the challenges with the self-made development titles, so let's take a closer look at the community. Growing WordPress As I've said before, I'm all in when it comes to having an Open Source platform for everyone to use and play it. It's… Continue Reading