Answer Type: Business Strategy

  • What Is a Day in the Life of a Business Advisor Like?

    What a day is like in the life of a business advisor primarily depends on the category of the business advisor. There are different categories of business advisors out there depending on the type of business engagement (and their availability): The first group of advisors have a different day job (managers, executives, founders, investors) and…

  • How Can You Apply Productivity Techniques in Content Production?

    I’ve been compiling productivity techniques for a while now and most of them are applicable in content production as well. Pomodoro Pomodoro revolves around 25–5 blocks—25 minutes at 100% focus (no interruptions) 5-minute breaks, run a few rounds, and take a longer break. If you break down your content process into different sections or headlines,…

  • Should You Have Separate Social Accounts For Your Businesses?

    Keeping separate social accounts for your businesses would be best unless you already have established an influencer brand. If Ronaldo or Mark Cuban or Obama decides to write about skateboarding or run a separate video gaming channel, millions of users will get hooked, because they *love* their brands already, they respect them; they want to become…

  • Why Do Small Businesses Use Overseas SEO Agencies?

    Location does matter only if you are running a brick and mortar store or want to position yourself in a local market (speaking a language different from English). In any other case, the actual location of the SEO service provider is irrelevant. Different vendors across the world can handle targeting an international business with an English website. With…

  • What Types of Music Work Best When In A Creative Zone?

    I’m pretty sure it’s a personal preference for the most part, but I have a couple of suggestions for the types of music work best when in a creative zone. While you’re in the creative zone — coming up with the content, editing for better readability, gathering stats — avoid lyrics. Lyrics are generally distracting unless…

  • What Are Some Amazing Gift Ideas For Your Business Partners and Employees?

    What gift ideas for your business partners and employees do you currently have? I’m really fond of backpacks. A hosting company I worked for as a brand ambassador branded a nice camouflage Dakine backpack for a Christmas party, which I believe also contained a pack of Converse sneakers. I still remember both and really appreciated the gifts.…

  • How I Leverage My Smartphone for Different Work Activities

    Other than calls and messaging, I try to leverage my phone for different work activities. Tethering is one of the obvious go-to actions when I’m working from a coffee shop. This process is a VPN for security purposes which also lets me connect to our intranet (accessible from a static IP). I run a VPN for…

  • How Can A Techie Startup Founder Sell Product Online?

    How can a techie startup founder sell his product online? Since hiring costs too much (not suitable in too early stage), then what else? Great startup founders are obsessed with their businesses. This obsession leads to deep market understanding and a willingness to take calculated risks. Their commitment sets the organizational tone, inspiring employees and…