15 Types of Small Business Advisors
Management consulting is a $329-billion industry and it continues to grow with small and medium-sized businesses increasingly seeking diverse expertise to navigate the challenges of scaling in the ever-evolving business landscape. But while the Fortune 500s can afford to splurge tens of millions of dollars for contracts assigned to Deloitte, KPMG, Accenture and the other…
18 Ways to Receive Maximum Value From Consulting and Mentoring Sessions
There are so many different situations where you may have a chance to receive valuable information from top consultants and mentors all over the world. This may be your usual consultant that you hired on retainer, a speaker that you met at a conference, or a mentor you applied to over the internet. In all…
Mentorship – Invaluable Advice From Competitors
“Mentorship” is a vague term. Great mentors are successful industry leaders who are your indirect competitors (or at least a few years ahead of time). Someone may pick their own mentor when they are a public figure and consume every bit of information they produce. If you choose a mentor who is only a few…
12 Key Differences Between Coaching and Consulting I Didn’t Expect
The past 20 years have uncovered a myriad of professions or titles that are loosely defined, or not immediately related to a clear connotation. A great example of this is depicted by one of my most popular posts which is about non-programmers called “developers” and the different technical titles. It made it to HackerNews years…
WP Mentor, Helping and Community
Last month Matt from Matt Report launched a great site called WP Mentor. Setting up a mentorship program for the WordPress community is an incredible idea so kudos to Matt who made it happen 🙂 If you can’t see the value in that site, let me explain. Balance and Entertainment I’ve been helping people since…