As every app starts with the promises of a fruitful future, it’s always worth considering both the short-term impact and the long-term prospects of outsourcing vs. staffing vs. a hybrid approach with a technical lead on your end.
Your choice comes down to more than just cost. It’s about control, quality, and how well the team can adapt to change.
Outsourcing offers economic flexibility but can come with risks. An in-house team promises consistency and dedication but requires a significant upfront commitment.
The hybrid route, guided by a skilled technical lead, can balance these two. Your path will depend on your vision for the app and your business. Choose wisely, as the right team will turn your idea into a thriving digital reality.
A significant 97% of business and IT leaders are comfortable with hybrid work, while 85% expect at least a quarter of their workforce to continue in this model after the pandemic.
There are different considerations you want to consider when looking for a team to work with on your early-stage startup app. Some of the major considerations are the following:
- Do you plan to raise funding?
- Do you envision building a development department in-house at some point?
- Is there a trustworthy technical advisor or a possible partner you can bring in?
- How complete is your feature set? Is this an ongoing development project that would require constant funding?
Growing startups are really agile. If you aim for a one-off build with the expectation to halt development for a certain period of time, you’re probably far off (considering your project will indeed grow).
The vast majority of dev shops focus on three forms of engineering:
- One-off projects (waterfall)
- Maintenance (basic style fixes, updates, content changes)
- Leasing staff members (half-time or full-time)
The first approach may be tough to overcome once the initial build is over. Ongoing development would need to follow separate phases, scope breakdowns for each milestone, and an initial analysis before every step.
This slows down development and incurs some communication and paperwork overhead.
Simple maintenance won’t suffice.
And if you hire outsourced team members full-time, you still need to manage them—just as you would if they were hired internally.
So depending on the scope of work and the odds of growing quickly once the initial build is over, finding a reliable tech partner to navigate the process would be the best way forward.
Even if you pick the first option, building a complete project ahead of time, selecting the right vendor, and vetting code quality (or performance/security considerations) without technical skills isn’t trivial.