I run two distributed companies and I’ve worked remotely three times prior to that.
There are certain cases where remote employees who travel while working may not be ideal. For instance, whenever you’re expected to attend meetings on-site or in specific time zones remotely, it can be very challenging.
If you work in a bank or another high profile sector dealing with sensitive data, this may pose some constraints as well for you and the entire team.
Back when I was employed remotely, I traveled for conferences abroad regularly and stayed a few days over, scheduling my flights early in the AM or late at night to avoid time off.
What really bugs me as a business owner with fully remote employees is working from a coffee shop or on a train and then complaining about a crappy connection and delays. When paying a full-time salary, I expect full-time productivity (instead of excuses caused by personal preferences).
There are several ways you can ensure that you get a stable internet connection if you’re only willing to find ways. This is true especially with 4G being widely available and affordable in most places.
What this requires is proper coordination and a sense of responsibility on the part of the remote worker to not compromise time for work.
With that in mind, I don’t see a problem asking your team leader or manager about their remote work expectations. This conversation often comes up during interviews as well. There are people who are digital nomads, employees who love photography, folks with an extended family in different countries, etc.