Tag: Services

  • Envato Or Why Race To the Bottom Is Dangerous?

    I have a few friends who are pretty good with WordPress development, have a few decent plugins out there and love the community. They started small and began with playing with some themes and plugins, and then learned development by building their own solutions in the evening and over the weekend. For some of them that adventure happened…

  • Why Are Estimates Challenging For Custom Development Work?

    I’ve been browsing and replying on Quora over the holidays and one of the questions made me think deeper about the estimation challenges when quoting custom development work: At DevWP I’ve already blogged about why I avoid estimates and the reason we do provide retainer services for our ongoing accounts. I’m no stranger to budget constraints…

  • Focus, Niche Down, and Skyrocket Your Business

    Selling to businesses locally or internationally usually entails selling services or products. Products are a bit easier since you can provide a trial version of your product and broadcast it everywhere. Products are also well-defined, you can easily outline the scope of your product and draft several case studies tackling specific problems. Services are different.…