Quora: 1 Year and 1 Million Answer Views

Update: April 2020, Note: The original story was authored in January 2018. At the moment, I've accumulated 2.7 million Quora views! Most people who follow me online know that I've been spending a lot of time on Quora lately. I've been writing answers, participating in discussions, sharing existing Quora answers with my team and interacting with team members met through the platform. Which is probably why my local team prepared that spectacular clock for my birthday, conveniently including Quora to my daily schedule: How I Got Started With Quora I stumbled upon Quora back in 2013 or 2014 while browsing… Continue Reading

Investing In Your Software Engineering Professional Development

I spent 3 years teaching Java at the high school I graduated at. I was used to technical training courses for organizations that had already adopted Java, as well as paid courses with students who were really passionate about Java. The high school gig was different. Students had a dozen other disciplines to prepare for! It was their senior year as well. Some of them were already employed as junior developers and rarely attended classes. Others were aiming for a job in a different field - front-end development, Python, Ruby. Needless to say, their commitment was diverse. How Software Engineering Curriculum… Continue Reading