Tag: CakePHP

  • First Week With Croogo

    It’s been my first week using Croogo – a CMS platform based on CakePHP and created by the Bangladesh developer Fahad Heylaal. Recently I’ve been looking for a next level platform in order to decrease development time and reduce wasting time for writing standard things from scratch such as menus, user controls (Auth+ACL), multilingual options…

  • Some Hate Over Cake’s i18n

    I’m really fond of CakePHP’s principles, but I’m too tired of its i18n features. For some reason internationalization, although one of the really major requirements for every framework or CMS, is implemented poorly in most of the systems I’ve worked with. Django had few disadvantages (but few strong points as well) with its django-multilingual, and…

  • CakePHP Headaches At A Glance

    @jose_zap has replied to me regarding a tweet of mine comparing CodeIgniter and CakePHP and the different aspects of both technologies. Since Twitter itself is way restricted into the 140 chars (which I like most usually – less offtopic and media) I will better blog this off here as a couple of things I don’t…