What Is An “On-The-Job” Training?

Training programs are available in larger companies.

The concept of training depends on the type of role, a candidate’s experience, and the company policy.

The Concept and Process of "Training"

Complete Training For Beginners

That’s common for first-time employees with no work experience to date and those working in franchises with established processes.

You have probably seen that in McDonalds or Starbucks with new staff members undergoing training and being mentored by more senior staff members. The training may take several weeks up to a few months and includes the company processes, the overall goals of the business and the role, the different stakeholders involved and the day-to-day of the new staff member.

Regarding office jobs, interns and entry-level people could be hired separately (1–2 hires at a time) and coached by a senior member. Basically, you have an in-house mentor/peer who’s bringing you up to speed with everything you need to know.

Hiring larger groups (10–20 people at a time) may include a designated trainer leading a course for a few weeks that ends with an exam. Candidates who have passed successfully are then assigned to an entry-level role, usually working closely with a more senior person.

Qualification Improvement Training

This process is somewhat similar to the initial scope but depends on the previous qualification of a staff member.

For example, a bank clerk will also go through the same process of a newbie. But standard job requirements often ask for a degree in Economics or Business Administration or a similar specialty. Dealing with accounts as whole or managing finance isn’t taught at the job. Teaching the specifics of the role, the tools used at the office, and the workflows leveraged by other peers is what it takes to become a full-timer.

Another example is training existing employees a different technology or a type of service. For example, marketers can take on an SEO or CRO training. Java or .NET developers may enroll in a specific JavaScript course that would improve their know-how with the language.

Company Policy On-boarding

This type of training doesn’t teach professional skills. But larger organizations have complex workflows in place and a set of established processes that differ from one company to another.

Therefore, over the course of a few weeks, the new candidate works with a mentor or a project manager trying to apply their existing skill set to the company role. This may again include specific tools or services used by the business staff, escalation protocols, delegation activities and the like. This may focus on communication, reporting, the expected KPIs and maximizing the output of the new member given the traditional workflow that everyone adheres to.